
Posts Tagged ‘There are times when…’

There are times when…

December 9, 2009 Leave a comment







There are times when the victory line seems so close yet so far from you.

There are times when you think you have surely done the right thing yet you don’t know if  it was the right thing.

There are times when your mind plays game on you and you feel betrayed.

There are times when black isn’t black and white isn’t white.

There are times when your friends become your enemies and your enemies become your friends.

There are times when you feel invincible with your inner strength and faith and times when unwillingly doubts creep in and your true human weakness shows and you feel isolated.

There are times when you know that children can do and adults can block.

Yes, Entrepreneurs are Humans…BUT

There are times you truly know that you can make it.

There are times you pray for a sign to push you to stand up again.

There are times you get a sign and want to beleive again.

Yes, Entrepreneurs are strong believers.