
Posts Tagged ‘Dream’


December 12, 2009 Leave a comment

Initially, I was going to New York for my internship after my graduation from university back in Europe but life made it difficult  since I am Arab after the 9/11 event…talking about a BIG disappointment!

However a better thing is always around the corner, a new opportunity arose… my university offered me an internship in the Gulf in a new, young, ambitious upcoming company…so I took the offer!

My plan was to stay 6 months and go back to Europe and initially I stayed way more then couple of years. I guess you have to overcome your plans sometimes when you have a fantastic project to work for …but deep inside of me there was a call bothering me to set myself free and create something on my own. This feeling dragged for years I tried to do something about it but with no luck at that time…I tell you its frustrating!

Anyway, one ordinary day I was in the office and received a different e-mail about a seminar of Robin Sharma (a motivational speaker).

Do you believe in the law of attraction? I do…it works believe me… I saw Robin on TV, then I read his book “THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI” and finally received this mail…

I couldn’t say no to that…so I convinced my company to pay for the seminar using the excuse of higher work productivity and achievement.

At the end of this fantastic seminar, I approached Robin Sharma and asked him to give me a ONE  liner so it can inspire me to set myself free… He took the notepad and wrote


How simple, yet sophisticated is that sentence?

How easy to read yet difficult to practise?

This sentence made me think for sometimes and I even went to a book store customized my own notepad with the Robin Sharma sentence on and put the notepad aside for when the time will come to take the decision and break free.