
Archive for the ‘Entrepreneurship and the Middle East’ Category

THE POWER OF CHANGE…addressing middle eastern companies in times of crisis

December 9, 2009 Leave a comment

Dear highly esteemed middle eastern companies…when will you  start shifting from doing internal politics to taking actual actions?

The crisis knocked on your doors and you are still there in your ivory towers looking around as if you were the untouchables…

Wake up!

These ivory towers will soon be replaced by flexible, creative, modular easy to adapt companies and it would be too late for you to change.

You are sleeping on a gold mine of thousand of creative people wanting to express themselves, wanting to participate in a better place why don’t you take advantage and listen to them before they leave you?

Why seclude yourself from change and new blood? Why don’t you recreate yourself through others? This hierarchical old model is gone…

Support new ideas  DON’T COPY them because you will never manage to take the place of a passionate owner.

CEO’s…please  open up to each one knocking on your doors and listen you never know he/she might have the next big idea…most importantly take action.

People in power stop focusing on what’s in it for ME but US!

Companies why don’t you apply an entrepreneurship spirit in your organisation? Why don’t you think different for once!

Addressing the Big Fat Middle eastern Companies: 


“THE NEWS” we are fed up with your negativity…focus on What’s Next

November 28, 2009 Leave a comment

Tell me what you hate the most I tell you “The News”.  Before spreading the story out, the media people will change it…blow it up and stir it the way they wanted. Their motto would be spread the negativity  on the blinded followers it’s like the “TRUMAN SHOW”…

In these times of crisis we need positive stories, can do people, future men and women entrepreneurs that can rebuild the new economy…

We are already under the pressure of fast paced life,  compromises, responsibilities…SHOW US A BIT OF LIGHT TO MOVE FORWARD AND DO A CHANGE