
Archive for the ‘Born an entrepreneur?’ Category

2010 Make Ideas Happen

February 6, 2010 Leave a comment







Thank you grandfather…

November 28, 2009 Leave a comment

 Don’t you stop sometimes and wonder how your mind can play tricks on you or can boost you…it’s like having a second person within you that you have to be aware of and master it because it can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. Let’s go back when I was only 10 years old, I was having a random discussion with my mom about my birth…Yes kids are curious!:) I asked her what was the reaction of the family when I was born and to my surprise she said “ well, everybody was extremely happy EXCEPT for your grandfather- he had concern since his son brought a girl not a boy to this world”. And he said the famous sentence “7aram my son brought a girl to this world”. Now don’t take me wrong my grandfather is a great person and very loving but old middle eastern mentality says that women have more of a difficult laborious life then men from a social, professional and family perspective and they are not free to do want they want to do. With all the love that I have for my grandfather I never agreed on what he said back then. This sentence when you are a kid it can either make you or break you for a lifetime . Fortunately enough his statement made me more persistent by embracing challenges in life and venturing on what I want despite being a girl, a woman, a sister, a daughter and finally an ENTREPRENEUR. logging!