Home > Women entrepreneur- a personal experience > STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!


STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE…It is healthy to listen to your inner intuition and follow your passion… It is ok to fail and start again…Every second in life gives you an opportunity for change!

Step out! and be amazed by the amount of knowledge you can learn about yourself/others and life in general.

Who said that following a passion and executing it is easy? it takes only 1% inspiration and 99% prespiration.

Once, I did step out of my comfort zone…followed my passion…passed through the ups and down…And ended up going back to being an employee with a twist of change…SO WHAT? I did acquire great things and never lost my perseverance, drive and passion to follow my dream. NEVER LOOSE FOCUS!

Priceless things gainedĀ :
self discipline, accountability, action method, collaboration, feedback, survival, leadership, limitations, passion, prespiration, professionalism, self-evaluation, cherishing moments/ family, contacts, right surroundings, balanced life, focus.

The risk is to never take a risk!

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